10th December 2023

Abusing Grace

Some people abuse the grace God gives and use it as an opportunity to sin more.
They may have a sorrow over the consequences of sin, but they still love their sin.
This person’s ways will bring them death in the end.

Dad = God
Girl = Non-Christians & False Christians
Bunny = Gifts from God

We are given all good things in life from God. A body, food, drink, work, sex, etc. Many do not appreciate what God has given and use it however they want without regard for God. They expect God to fix things on their terms.

God tells us sin displeases him as it destroys the life he created.

When God disciplines there is a sadness but it is only because they will loose the sin they desire, not because they are sorry for displeasing God.

Unless the non-Christian has a godly sorrow for sinning against God (which brings repentance) they will stay in this pattern of destruction.

Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

2 Corinthians 7:10

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