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13th August 2019

Is it wrong for Christians to enjoy entertainment?

Questions that flood to mind

I often struggle with the idea of entertainment even being in the realm of being good.
Shouldn’t I be so filled with joy from God that I couldn’t care less for the next tv show or music album to come out?
Maybe I shouldn’t even desire “Christian” media? Is that just a corruption of reality? 
Instead of seeking God in reality we seek him in a fantasy (movie, fictional book, song etc)?
Well I’m going to attempt to write to myself (and Christians) and talk some logic to this matter. Feel free to help me out if my mind is missing something.

What is Entertainment

A google search defines “entertainment” as “the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment”.
Entertainment = Enjoyment

Enjoying entertainment that isn’t specifically “Christian”

We can enjoy specifically Christian things like Bible stories, proverbs and music but can we enjoy, say for instance, watching a secular movie, song or book? If there is no Christianity in it, should we have nothing to do with it?
In a black and white mindset I know I have had such thoughts. But even God delighted in creation and there weren’t any Bible verses inscribed on the water, rocks, animals etc. Just because there is no Christian doctrine in the entertainment we enjoy is not to say that it is sinful to enjoy.

I’m still unsure on the full working out of how it is still God honouring to enjoy entertainment without Christian doctrine in it but I’ll have a crack at it. 
If there was a nature documentary we could watch it thinking “wow, God is amazing to have made all this”.
If there was a fictional story depicting Christian behaviour such as repentance, forgiveness and love (without Bible verses) we could think “wow, those are admirable qualities, I want to be like that”.

If there was a instrumental song that brought a sense of awe we could think “wow, that really was refreshing and has lifted my spirit”.
The media may not be pushing the Bible in your face but they can still do much good, all because of God. Just like how eating, running and sleeping can be enjoyed by Christians and non-Christians. Even the way you live your life can be glorifying to God even if you don’t preach to everyone you meet. 

Enjoying sin in media

Just like all things in life there is a way to do something that glorifies God and a way that is sinful and dishonours God. For an example lets think of the most Christian Bible story, the Crucifixion of Jesus.
Now is murder wrong? Yes.

Is reading a story about Jesus being murdered sinful?

If it was then it would be sinful to read your Bible…
I think I’ve almost gone crazy just trying to define when sinful things are ok for a Christian to enjoy in entertainment and when they are not. Well, I believe the answer is simply this. 

If the end result is not influencing you (or others around you) to sinful thoughts and/or actions, then it is fine to enjoy.
Some sins to watch out for may be as follows:

  • Having an untrue belief of who God is (Having another God).
  • Letting the entertainment control your life (Idolising it).
  • Dishonouring God (Using His name in vain)
  • Desiring the entertainment more than reality (Idolatry, lust, envy)
  • Causing you to hate people with unjust cause (murder)
  • Thinking it’s okay to take what is not yours (stealing)
  • Thinking it’s okay to give false information (lying)

Parents will have an idea of what is best for their Children to be exposed to, but Other than that I cannot say if certain entertainment will cause you to sin or not. And you may not know yourself until the moment presents itself. 

There have been times when watching something and I just think “Nope” this is wrong and not actually entertaining anymore. It’s making me feel bad inside, not at peace and joyful.
There have been other times where there may be strong depictions of sin but I am not influenced by it (well I don’t think I am…). Though if I knew a certain thing would bother someone else, I would not participate in that entertainment with them.

What makes the Crucifixion of Jesus a good murder story for Christians to take delight in is that God is glorified in it. Despite the gory visuals the end result is that through Jesus all may come to know God.

Entertainment is enjoying. And for Christians we delight in God honouring things.

God vs Entertainment

Now this is a strange thought I had but I think there is some sense to it. Why should we even enjoy man made entertainment that speaks of God, why not just get our joy in reality? 

I’m not sure, but I’ll have an educated guess. Though as Christians we have a new nature. One that desires God honouring things. Though we may have times of sinfully indulging the flesh, we are still in a body of flesh. Just like our need to eat, sleep and have social connection. We need entertainment?
Jesus illustrates many of His words with parables, which are stories to teach a lesson. Proverbs have many sharp pictures that teach wisdom. God even speaks to people with movie like dreams.

You may not remember a single word in the book of Leviticus but may know the story of Jonah off by heart.

Maybe God honouring earthly entertainment is just another way we can enjoy God?

God did give us a sabbath day of rest. To stop from all our activity and enjoy life.

Personal experiences

My Little Pony is probably my favourite show to watch and I’ve probably watched seasons 1-4 four times, plus there are 8+ seasons of the show.

It’s a kids show so it should be fine right? 
It has good emotional health lessons, good morals. 

Not necessarily. If I was to idolise the show, making my life all about MLP because of how filled with joy I have in it, it would be sinful.
Black Mirror is a show I like to watch occasionally and have only ever watched once through. I don’t think I would ever watch a repeat episode again.

First of all, it’s rated for mature audiences and contains a lot of sinful matter.
Honestly I can have a mixed response depending on the episode.

Sure there are depictions of sin, but I can still be removed from the sinful actions where I contemplate the bigger picture. Leading to thoughts about mankind and various short comings we have despite good intentions when having certain abilities. And in my thoughts of our depravity I can be lead closer to God.

Take Away

For us Christians, God is our source of joy.

Joy in God is not just in reading the Bible and praying, joy in God can be experienced through all areas of our lives not just in entertainment. 

It is okay to enjoy entertainment (man made or God made. Specifically Christian or not) as long as you don’t sin and you are not offending your conscience or others around you.

What are your Christian/Biblical views on entertainment?
I’d love to hear them.

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