18th August 2024

Confidence of Faith

If we have faith that Christ will save us from sin & death, we have confidence and assurance, even though we do not see it happen yet.

Many things require faith.

Faith that the driver of a car won’t crash.
Faith that a building won’t fall on us.
Faith that a bridge won’t collapse.
Faith that the food we eat won’t kill us.
Faith a surgeon knows what they are doing.
Faith that your phone won’t explode.

We trust imperfect strangers with our lives all the time.
How much more faith can we put into a perfect God who knows us better than ourselves, and who loves us even while we were still sinners?

The rest of Hebrew 11 talks about all the people in Biblical history that lived by faith in God, and each time God delivered on their faith. So as Christians we too should live by such faith in God.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

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